Monday 16 June 2014

The Syrian War

Though Modern Syria gained its independence from France in 1946, it has lived through periods of political instability driven by the conflicting interests of these various groups. Since 1958-61 it united with Nasser's Egypt, but an army coup restored independence before the pan-Arab nationalist Baath (Renaissance) party took control in 1963.

The Baath government has seen authoritarian rule at home and a strong anti-Western policy abroad, particularly under President Hafez al-Assad from 1970 to 2000. In 1967 Syria lost the Golan Heights to Israel after the Arab defeat in the Six Day War. Civil war in neighbouring Lebanon in the 1970s allowed it to extend its political and military influence in that country.
Syria pulled its forces out of Lebanon in 2005, having come under intense international pressure to do so after the assassination of Lebanese former prime minister Rafik Hariri. A UN report implicated Syrian and pro-Syria Lebanese officials in the killing, although Damascus still denies any involvement.
The government deals harshly with domestic opposition. Tens of thousands are estimated to have been killed in the suppression of the 1982 uprising of the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama.
Following the death of Hafez al-Assad in 2000 Syria underwent a brief period of relaxation. Hundreds of political prisoners were released, but real political freedoms and a shake-up of the state-dominated economy never materialised.
In 2011-12 security forces used tanks, gunfire and mass arrests to try to crush anti-government street protests inspired by the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. These protests rapidly took on a more formal nature when the opposition began to organise political and military wings for a long uprising against the Baath government. As 2012 wore on, the stand-off escalated into civil war, with defections from the governing elite signalling the steady collapse of central authority.

Sunday 29 July 2012

But I am Still A Girl

I tie my hair in a bun
I dab some lip balm on
I wear my floaters with Kurtis
But I am still a girl

I eat like I'll never get food
I can't dance
I like rock music
But I am still a girl.

I have short cut nails
I never played with barbies
I cannot strut
But I am still a girl.

I wear my brother's t-shirt
I hate pink
I snore like a pig
But I am still a girl.

I love bikes
I have a dozen Hot-wheels
I watch American Pie
But I am still a girl.

I don't cry when I am hurt
I can't yell when I am angry
I like WWF
But I am still a girl.

I am not thin
I am not girly
I may not smile for nothing
But I am still a girl.

Why do I need to be your definition of a girl?
Why cant I just be the girl I want to be?

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The new nicest thing happening to me!

     All these years.. I'd think to myself... what is the best part of doing what you like?
Is it the pleasure, the end result, the process or just the thought of it?
For me... I realized today after almost 10-12 hours of college, being a part of the process, living the dream, thinking of it each moment and tasting the pleasure, that, all that matters to me, at the end of the day.... is getting tired!
Getting beaten by all the work, standing up, not fighting it but walking along my struggle, my strife, brings a smile on to my face, for its paid off!
The feeling of getting tired and falling asleep anywhere and waking up to walk again is divine!
The feeling of wanting to get tired everyday, is indeed the nicest thing happening to me!!!
So.. cheers, to all the people who are living their dream...
all the people who love the smell of being tired and rejuvenated at the same time!!

Saturday 23 June 2012

Spreading my wings!

     For 17 years.... I believed in some words, some ideas and some people! Today, I've started believing in myself!
     I've realized, that no matter what life does to you, no matter where the wind takes you.... one day, you will realize that some things do happen without any reason, and somethings have such a vital reason- we miss understanding!
     Sometimes, going against the flow helps and some other times... though you know you are stronger... you cannot really help being stuck- you need to wait!
     Today, I've decided to spread my wings and just swim in the air, breathe it inside me and fly, because now, I want to world, as much as I wish it to want me!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

When will you come again?

The sun is setting, the moon is about to show.... sipping on my cold coffee... I wonder,
When will the days of blowing over my hot cup of coffee come again?
When will the days of wrapping my palms around the mugs and feeling the warmth come again?
When will the days of spreading my arms outside the window to touch the raindrops come?
When will the days of the aroma of mud come again? [ I call it the 'how I wish it rains' alert! ]
When will the days of reaching late for college will come again? [I guess we don't need the rains for this one]
When will the days of demanding 'pakoras' at home come again?
When will the days of cheer on everybody's face come again?

Its the thickest blankets at home

the locked down a/c

the hot khichdi
steaming samosas
sound of splashing water
the bus stop friends to crib about traffic
the special rickshaw walas who drop you when you say.."please uncle!"
the regular excuse of "gas nahi hai" [there is no gas]
the sharing of umbrellas
the reason to cry out loud and nobody See's you
the long walks..

Most importantly.... everybody who hates love... falls in love, with love all over again!
If something can express love the best.. its neither the sun or the rainbow... its just every drop of rain.. that smells, tastes, sounds like and feels like love!

Dedicated to all those who need another reason to sip on coffee.
Those who don't love the rains yet..
And.. those who can think of nothing beyond its beauty! 

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A special passion of her's!

     Well.... now is the season, the time to find a new passion.. a new something that you love, love so much that it makes you happy with just the thought of it!!! Umm, may be some of you are thinking of the girl/ guy you have your heart set on, some might as well think of a nice hobby. However, here the hobby specified is, eating mangoes!
    Only the transgressor will know the meaning of  'forgive me father, for I've eaten far too many mangoes!'
 The vague smell of mangoes while entering the house and realise you had the last one just the previous night!
The 1 a.m. urge to peel a mango and slip it down your throat before anyone catches you!
The endless number of puris you'll gobble down with aam ras!
The dreams of little chunks of mangoes in the sinful milkshake!
The anticipation, for every doorbell sounds like it's the mango vendor!
The only reason you await the summer, despite the horrible heat are.. what else? MANGOES!!
My friends... if you haven't done some mango loving in all these days of the summer, go ahead and explore!!
Not too much... but dedicated to the sole mango lover I've met other than me! Shilpa 'sassy'dhar!!

Monday 16 April 2012


Nothing special about today.....neither does the hot burning sun show mercy,nor do the rickshaw wallas!
The only thing that encourages me to step out of the house after noon is a bottle of chilled water and, a rickshaw. However these days, the attitude adjustment issues of the auto drivers and the rise in the petrol prices is burning a hole in my pocket!
Today was the first the of the indefinite strike of rickshaws.. trust me on this, the crowd in the buses and trains was far more than I expected it to be.
So, from today, to the day the entire matter is resolved, afternoons will be spent in the bathroom for an hour long shower or may be playing cards with friends, watching a perfect Hollywood movie or simply writing something you might as well agree with!!